“Good buildings come from good people and all problems are solved by good design.”
Stephen Gardiner
The role of an architect is always somewhat mysterious and for us is no different. Our architects tend to be the ones that get ‘sh*t’ done by participating in all phases of a project from programming, design and concept to documentation for jurisdictional review and all the way through to providing construction support services. To be an architect at Ideation Design Group is to be able to “wear a lot of hats” or be a “jack (or jane) of all trades” so to speak. Our team excels in multi-taskery and must speak in the language of design, visualize in 3D and think analytically. Our architects use their knowledge of building and construction to translate our clients dreams into drawings that ultimately turn into the built environment. Passion about our role in creating spaces that excite and leave a lasting impression on the user is paramount. Working closely with the client and their brand we provide the technical expertise to design an environment that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. Managing outsourced consultants in related engineering fields, we are the client’s agent during the entire process making sure the spaces we design are functional and beautiful as well as delivered on time and on budget. And to add a few more analogies, our architects are the conductor of the orchestra, the quarterback of the football team, the captain of the ship, the leader of the pack, the chief strategist. Most of all, though, our architects love what they do!