The Dream Team

Favorite cocktail?

Depends on the day or crisis! Right now, it's Ingo's greyhounds. So cool, refreshing and happy!

Biggest lesson learned from walking a job site?

Always wear protective equipment on every part of your body... and I mean EVERY part!

Favorite space to relax in?

My TV room at home. Big leather couch, big ass TV and a great sound system.

Jennifer Reynolds

Carl Schaffer

Douglas Tener

Principal – ASID, IIDA, NCIDQ No. 24318

Principal – AIA


Bossin' People Around...

Favorite design element you have created / helped create?

I worked on a new storefront design on the street level of a historic mid-rise building in NYC. Balancing the historical, structural, aesthetic and client driven elements was simply rewarding.

Favorite cocktail?

Strawberry Daiquiri - so sweet and sugary...yum!

Biggest Lesson learned from walking a job site?

Keep your head on a swivel and watch where you step!

Courtney Fisher, AIA, NCARB

Stacy Molnar

Jules Laurey III



Managing Director IDG Foodservice Design

Favorite design element you have created / helped create?

Being able to work an 84” taxidermy peacock into a steakhouse design. Be bold or go home is my motto.

Favorite Cocktail?

Spicy Margarita! Any day! Any time!

Jeffrey Teuton

Samantha Ramirez

Interior Design Director

Senior Design Manager / Marketing Director

Makin' Magic Happen...

Favorite Cocktail?

Cake by the ocean or Monkey’s orgasm at the zoo

I never leave the house without...

Matching pair of socks!

I never leave the house without...

Keys and wallet. I'm a simple man.

I never leave the house without...

Chapstick and my favorite essential oils... got to be prepared for anything!

Priscila Ramirez

Rafael Molines

Michael Crabb

Laura Wiskerchen

Office Manager

Project Manager

Project Manager

Interior Designer

Favorite cocktail?

Pretty simple – I love prosecco…some bubbly to go with my bubbly personality!

What is the one thing you wish you could delete from your favorite restaurant?

My pet peeve is exposed hardware and poorly finished edges of furniture and paneling! It's all about the details!

Favorite Cocktail?

Can never go wrong with a classic marg!

Favorite cocktail?

I am a design support dog, I drink what my designers drink... for support of course!

Lizzy Lefkowitz

Shweta Makwana

Skylar Andre


Interior Designer

Interior Designer

Junior Interior Designer

Emotional Support